Everything about Mouse Haunt Dodgeball
Where traditional gamers meet the blockchain gamers
In pursuit of awesomeness, we would like to present a high-quality arena action game available for everyone in and outside the blockchain space!
Dodgeball is a free to play, competitive combat set on an increasingly difficult environment. These combats last up to 6–8 minutes, contributing to quick and chaotic matches.
The game will have future play-to-earn mechanics — centering around competition, dash abilities, and of course, player skills after death. Because just like the original Castle Heist, dead heroes become invisible Ghosts in the arena, being able to possess surrounding objects in order to haunt the remaining living mice from the opposing team. Ghosts are an important part of the game and can only possess cannonballs that bypass their ethereal zone.
Made in Unreal 5!
How to download Dodgeball
- Game is available for everyone on the website after October 4th: Mouse Haunt Download
- Login in (Gmail, Discord or Metamask)
- Install the .exe, then open the game Choose “Dodgeball” gamemode Click on “Play Now”.
- Access the secret password through Mouse Haunt’s Discord, at the channel #play-mouse-haunt
How to play Dodgeball
Mouse Controls vs Ghost controls:
Objective of the game: Kill every enemy living Mouse Heroes! This turn the opposing team into ghosts. Mice die and turn into ghosts when they get shot by the cannonball (dodgeball) or when they fall off the tower.
The lobby: Where players wait for everyone to enter the game. Can be used as the practice area, where Mouse Heroes can train shooting skills on each other. At the same time, Ghosts can possess objects around the lobby or use the Altar area (located in the middle of the lobby) to become Mouse Heroes again.
To initiate a match: Everyone moves their characters onto the pressure plates (pink or blue) at the back of the lobby. Note that the pressure plates may change colour so you’ll always be Blue and your enemies will always be Pink.
The match starts when there is an equal number of players on the Lobby and they are stepping on the pressure plates. So the possible matches are: 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3.
The Arena: Use the cannonballs that spawn from specific platforms in the map to throw at adversaries. Aim the ball at your teammates in order to make a pass. Use the objects on the map to protect yourself (only metal items can block the Cannonball, wooden objects get destroyed) or hide behind the environment to avoid getting hit. Use your guns in order to shoot and destroy possessed objects. When you are hit by shots from Mouse Heroes or objects thrown by Ghost Villains, your character loses “shield”, after the Shield Gauge reaches zero, the Mouse gets stunned by a brief period.
Cannonball physical states: Balls on fire and solid belong to living mice, while blue ethereal balls belong to ghosts. Ethereal balls can only be held on the ethereal zone (blue mist), where Mouse Heroes are able to walk, but not able to either shoot or grab the ball. Mice can only shoot the ball when they are in the “living zone” — the shot fizzles when they walk into the ethereal zone holding the ball. Ghosts can only possess and Charge Throw the Cannonball on the ethereal zone.
The Ghost gameplay: Ghosts are faster and can reach every part of the map. Mouse Heroes can only see Ghosts from their own team — ghosts from the opposing team are invisible. The blue ethereal zone part of the map appears as soon as the first mouse dies and turns into a ghost. Use the ethereal area to reach for ethereal cannonballs. Use the rest of the map to possess and throw objects at the opposing team’s living mice or use traps to hit them, stunning them and performing amazing COMBOS with your teammates!
Join as Spectator: Non-players can enter the match as spectators. Spectators have freedom to move the camera around the arena. You can use the side keys “A” and “D” to move sideways, “S” and “W” or mouse scroll to zoom in or zoom out and if you select a Mouse or a Ghost with the left click of the mouse, you will focus on them, being able to follow the selected character .